Friday, 3 June 2011

Feminise your husband video

Well girls, another of my YouTube videos has now been banned by YouTube, apparently because it showed bare boobs.  How terrible!  I think what they are really about is censoring members of the transgender community's rights to express themselves freely.

I thought it was in the best possible taste (ahem!), and obviously not intended to be taken too seriously...
There must be arses on YouTube who do nothing except get other people's videos banned.  Apparently it takes only one complaint.  Why do they go onto sites like mine if they know they are likely to be offended? What intolerant, bigotted, small-minded bastards.  I am fighting for freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and freedom for artists and creative people to do what they like.  If you agree with me, please follow me on Twitter:

ambergoth on Twitter

Anyway, see what you think of the video - please DO comment and give me some support for my work, because I am feeling a little discouraged.  Here it is:


  1. being a real life post-op myself, love these videos :) keep em comming hun ;)

  2. wow absolutely great

  3. Thank you for your positive comments and support, Sedra and Anonymous - you are both very sweet. : )

  4. Sugar, that video is really cute!

    Some people just don't appreciate girls like us...but it's their loss!

  5. Thanks, Sissy Chrissie.

    YouTube sent me a message saying my account is 'not in good standing' because of these two videos, and they have banned me from logging into my account for 14 days. All because I showed bare boobs, apparently, and the content was considered too sexual, I guess. I showed the vids to my female partner, and she thought they were okay, but then she's got boobs too, so doesn't think boobs are rude.

    I have wondered what would happen if I made a video with the Venus De Milo statue featured, and some paintings by grand masters of the Rennaissance, which might also depict bare breasts. Would that also be banned by YouTube? Interesting point, isn't it?

    Perphaps I'll put it to the test one day, but I have to maintain my YouTube account in 'good standing' for the next six months now, or I may get banned from YouTube for good, so I'd better be a good girl and keep a low profile on YouTube for a bit.

    So where does that leave freedom of expression and artistic licence? What about the Fifth Amemdment? Or as a limey, do I not understand about this? Isn't YouTube based in the U.S.?

    Oh well, never mind. It's a pity, because thousands of people had enjoyed my videos before they were blocked, but it just takes one intolerant, mesogynist, homophobic, transgender-phobic bigot to complain, I guess.

    x x x Amber

  6. enjoyed the video , i know how hard it is to do so i wanted to say i appreciate the effort. keep up the good work

  7. Amber, sugar, though Google is indeed based in the USA, the constitutional issues do not arise.

    The constitutional prohibition on limiting free speech, contained in the First (not Fifth) Amendment only prohibits *government* actions that limit speech. Perhaps, though, you're looking at the due process requirement of the Fifth Amendment - similarly that requirement is only imposed on government, not private companies.

    When you sign up for a service like YT (owned by Google) you agree to abide by their rules - and they get to do pretty much what they please, as long as they don't violate their own rules (which, of course, they can change any time they want to.)

    I'm not convinced that they're transphobic - I think they're just hyper fear inspired. Given the political climate in the USA such fear may not even be all that unreasonable. It is, nonetheless, a serious limitation on those of alternative sexuality.

    There are other video hosting services that may not be as limiting but which may also not have the broad user base of YT.

    See what happens when you scratch a sissy who went to law school? Anyway, thanks again for the lovely videos - I hope to see many more!



  8. Thanks for that Chrissie. I wrote a reply and lost the lot before I could post it, as I wasn't signed in. It was probably a bit long-winded anyway - my posts and replies usually are.

    Basically, what I said was this: A lot of us in Europe are somewhat horrified by the political climate in the U.S., particularly as expressed by the Tea Party Movement and their friends on the Right of the Republican Party. Those guys are dangerous fanantics! By not supporting Obama's fiscal strategy, they have brought the whole world (again) to the brink of an economic crisis, and lost the U.S. its Triple X credit rating. Are they insane?

    As I hang out so much with other folk in the LGBT community, it is sometimes hard to realise just how little 'Middle America' knows about us, and how prejudiced they are against us, which I guess is why YT may live in fear of their opinions and objections to what we consider 'normal'.

    I can't help thinking that the Tea Party Movement and Fundamentalist Christians are as dangerous to western liberal democracies and tolerant, scientific and rationalist secular values as Islamist Fundamentalists. Sometimes I wish the bigots and fanantics on both sides of these ridiculous Abrahamic religions would just go away, fight it out between themselves, and leave the rest of us in peace to live and let live, love who we like, and be whatever gender we wish. x Amber

  9. Boy in pink:
    I thought it was a great flick and all the girls looked great. One would never guess that they were men at one time. I loved it and it was done in good taste. Thanks for sharing it with all of us.

  10. That was one of the best shows I've seen, keep up the good work, wow, I'm drooling, tehe.

  11. I keep cuuming back to your video, it's terrific, falling in love with it wish I were there to be transformed too!!!

  12. Hey my name is Sturlin and im a teenage boy. im considering this surgery but dont even know where to start. I saw your videos and hoped you could help.

  13. Are you serious, Sturlin? The first thing you have to do is choosd a femme name for yourself. Then you will need to convince me that you are who your say you are and are really serious about your transgenderism. You may be some pervy old guy - sorry to say that, but convince me you are a transgendered teenage boy, and I'll get back you on what you need to do. It is way too soon to talk about surgery. Do you cross-dress regularly? Have you ever been out dressed as a girl?

  14. Thanks for a dream video.

  15. lovely video, lovely breats too xx

  16. sorry to hear about the youtube issue, you seem to have contracted a dangerous disease, known as Troll Vision. Symptoms include being stalked by intewebs idiots, and having your content on public sites flagged as inappropriate or copyright infringing, whichever seems to get it removed the fastest these days. There is no real cure but time unfortuntley. Just remember that internet + anonymity= asshole, and assholes rarely have the staying power to pose long term threats. As a US citizen i sadly must agree with you on the state of our own government and the crap we put up with, i mean who in the face of the election that got Obama in office decides instead of working with him to dedicate the entirety of the next 4 years to fucking up anything he tried to put into motion. I retarded and both Republicans and Democrats are equally responsible, and are destroying our country.

    1. Interesting response about the U.S., thanks for that. I can't understand why so many folk in the States are against Obama's health reforms, which seem pretty moderate frm a European and British perspective.

  17. Amber,
    Love your work. Very inspirational. Seriously considered this process 30 years ago and met with a Doctor in Virginia. Passed then and don't totally regret. Do love to see that some individuals get to satisfy there needs though. Keep up the great work.

  18. Hello Amber, i will like to start my transformation how can i contact you for questions???

  19. With the rapid advances in knowledge, several techniques were used to create the vagina; however, Dr. Juta”s technique is one of a kind, “The Scarless Sexchange” wherein there will be no visible scar on the labia majora after the operation. Certainly, he is the only doctor performing a high quality SRS “Scarless Sex change” in Thailand today. With Dr. Juta, you can achieve a successful outcome both in appearance and function, and there are far lesser incidents of complications. The goal of Doctor Juta is to create female sexual organs that look as natural as possible and that allow as much sexual arousal as possible.

    1. Interesting. Thanks for that, I'll bear it in mind if I go for SRS, but I haven't decided about that yet. I think I might still be able to get it on the NHS, though I don't know how a good a job they would do in comparison with Dr. Juta. I'd be interested to hear from anyone who had an NHS sex-change.

  20. Hey Osias
    How can i get more info with these doctor, and how do yo know about it??? Can you help me...

  21. Hi hear i would like to know the advantages and disadvantages of this type of processing and i would be interested to know how to start

  22. hiii.i am kevin 21 year old guy..thank god i finally found what i want..i want to change myself as a my parents wont allow me..i cnt live like this anymore..its enough of hiding and wearing girly dresses..plz help me..plzzzzz

  23. Some times I wonder what it would be like if I was born a girl instead of a boy. If I wanted to do this how do I go about doing it.

  24. i've been thinking bout surgery, but I still dont really. been crossdressing for years. I am 19. I never been in public fully dressed though. just a few months ago I got rid of all my socks and bought new feminine socks. I love them! I many panties but I still have boxers for when I work, mostly cuz its hard work and I dont want to get my panties all sweaty, I really want to go to just wearing all panties tho. but anyways I just wanto ask for maybe some tips on how to get over fear of being dressed in public. maybe what kind of steps I should take next into full feminization considering I've done socks and almost panties. and lastly. do u think surgery would be for me?

    1. Heres the question you should be asking yourself, will you be happy after getting surgery? If so then you need to step out and tell your family about your need to be a girl, family is the number one thing you will need during your transition. Most doctors now a days need 2 letters from psychologists who say you are ready for HRT and then ready for SRS surgery, without those, you can't get surgery or you will go to a place where the doctors are not licensed and you could die or not be happy with a terrible job they did. This is a big decision and many people will say this to you, you are young like me, you need to choose between life as a man or life as a woman who possibly has no family.

  25. oh and I prolly wont find again so if u could send ur reply to would much appreciate it :)

  26. Hi Amber, I thought this video was great and I loved it, it showed boobs, who cares, nursing mothers in the US have been arrested for nursing their babies in stores and on public transportation just for having their nipples showing. Youtube is an entity that has a esteem for good videos but can get carried away, your video wasn't carried away, but men do own Google and run Youtube, so you can only guess why they are being mean to you. I am hoping to go out dressed in public one day in full female attire, maybe I'll go to the mall in a dress with a pair of heels and wearing my makeup very conservatively, not slutty or to look like a drag queen to say the least. I wear only panties now, no boxers whatsoever, I also wear a bra almost everyday depending on the weather, I try to work out to get a feminine body, and I wear stockings with a garter belt.

  27. quick,nice vidio.I'd volenteer for them too fix me..Oh read your articals,sorry your gettign trashed so much.

  28. Looking to become mtf any help or sponsor in anyway would be helpful would even be lesian if that helps
